Hiker against Skiers - Dila Demircan Ozer (Social Design)


Hiker against Skiers is part of the semester project "Auf der Jagd nach Schnee" (University of Applied Arts Vienna/ Social Design).

Friedrich Nietzsche praised mountains for their great viewing possibilities. But reaching the top required an effort to climb. Today, reaching the top can be effortless and skiing downhill is an adventurous and fun experience, providing instant gratification. But at what cost? Hiker against Skiers investigates contemporary effort and effortlessness on mountains with a video installation that depicts the differences in how we consume nature today.


HZWEIO - Martin Breindl und Bernhard Kathan (AT)


Soon Near You - Adva Eshel, Judith Haslöwer, Rita Andrade Silva Esteves Martins (Social Design)